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Animal Care Equipment


In laboratory animal husbandry, there is a huge demand for animals that have been kept in disease free conditions and housed in barrier units such as Individually ventilated cages (IVCs). This is very important because when animal are used for scientific research, particularly drug related research, the animals must provide accurate and valid results. Using an animal that is ill may cause the severity limit to be exceeded. If the animal already has a disease and then undergoes experimentation of a substance that also produces effects on the animals health, it could potentially worsen the effects of the agent being tested causing the animal to experience more suffering than necessary. The animals may produce false results which may prove vital at a later stage, e.g., in drug trials on humans. Not only that, the experiment will have to be performed again and the previous animals would have ended up being killed for no reason (though legally). Special caging systems are often used alongside many other barrieres to keep unwanted materials out of range of the animals.


Salient Features of our IVC Systems

Isolation and better control over infection spreading
Extraordinary savings in energy costs
Reduction in initial cost of HVAC systems
Better Efficacy and Better safety for personell
Easy to disinfect
Easy to handle
Species specific environment
Better light intensity
Environmental enrichment
Aesthetic looks
Low maintenance
Saves space


Detailed Specifications available on request




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