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A good work place contributes to the quality and accuracy of the output. Clean, safe and user friendly laboratories are essential in all faculties like education, research, quality control etc., Research department is the main source of new products. A good R & D should have a professionally made laboratory.

We offer advice on the layout, choice of our systems, services, storage spaces and safety requirements with convenient alternatives. State-of -the -art CAD systems are used for planning and designing the work place to optimize the utilization of the available space.


Salient Features:

Plinth Mounted Design
High standard powder coatings for quality and finish
"C" Frame Design
Special design Anodized Aluminium Inset handles
"C" Frame Flexi Design
Reagent racks in Aluminium construction
GI construction for high corrosion resistance
Reagent shelves in wire reinforced glass construction
Cabinet modules in weld less construction
Electrical Trunking in Aluminium construction
Adjustable cabinet shelves
Flexibility in design
Special design cabinet hinges
Elegant, Ergonomic and Aesthetic in appearance.

Detailed specifications available on request.


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